Khushi Arora, New Delhi
“I am tree and feeling bad, because people cut me regularly for the self fulfilment. But they forget my value towards the nature. When people cut me for their work, I don’t feel so bad because maybe I am being useful to them but I feel bad when no other plant is planted in my place. Whenever I see the balance of our earth getting disturbed, tears come to my eyes. I want to correct its balance, but then I think that I have become old and weak now. I cannot do anything now, and oneday these people will kill me for their benefit.
When I think about how good life trees and plants had 15-20 years ago. People used to grow us more, take care of us and demand less from us. Because 15-20 years ago, there probably weren’t so many factories and such big buildings. But if we look at today, there are lakhs of factories and millions of tall buildings in this world. And most importantly, today the population has increased and it is increasing continuously. Due to this the needs of people are increasing and the number of trees and plants is decreasing and this is the reason why global warming is gradually increasing. Holes are appearing in the ozone layer, mountains are becoming smaller and the glaciers are melting and this is not a good sign for our Earth.
It seems that I am unaware of this worsening situation. Because people considered me lifeless. Why do not they understand that I also breathe, I can also see, I am also a living witness of this earth. There is a life inside me too. Don’t kill me. Save me. Save our mother earth. Reduce pollution from this earth and control this increasing population. Limit your needs use things that can be reuse and don’t buy something else in its place. I also feel pain when someone cuts me, I also feel sad when this earth cries.”
These are the feelings of a tree which we probably cannot understand. Please understand. The feeling of a tree is also the feeling of the earth. They suffer so much. They bear so much pain, to fulfill our needs, please limit your needs. Whatever things you can use again, please do so.
Thank you
(खुशी दिल्ली के आरपीवीवी सूरजमल विहार स्कूल में 12वीं कक्षा में पढ़ती हैं। हिन्दी और अंग्रेजी दोनों भाषाओं में लिख लेती हैं। उन्होंने वॉट्सएप सन्देश के जरिए यह पोस्ट #अपनीडिजिटलडायरी तक पहुँचाई है। वह डायरी की पाठकों में से एक हैं।)
खुशी के पिछले लेख
8 – “Heat stroke can kill, get hydrated and chill”
7- भगवान सबके पास नहीं हो सकते, इसलिए माँ बनाई, उसके लिए रोज 10 मिनट दीजिए
6 – No Smoking Day : Replace your cigarette with a glass of juice daily
5- इस मौसम में बारिश! हम प्रकृति का तारतम्य बिगाड़ क्यों रहे हैं?
4- घर में बच्चों को ‘लैंगिक समानता’ के बारे में भी बताएँ, ताकि वे आगे कोई भेद न करें
3- अपने शिक्षकों के लिए एक बच्ची की भावना : ज्ञान प्रकाशित कीजिए, आप समर्थ बलवान
2- कितना बेहतर हो, अगर हम लड़कियों को उनकी सुरक्षा करना भी सिखाएँ!
1. संस्कार हमारे जीवन में कैसे अच्छी या बुरी भूमिका निभाते हैं?