Khushi Arora, New Delhi
As we all know that we are facing heat wave and during this time will lose our at least 78 people in 10 days which is not good because a single life is very precious for our country and for their family. This situation is happening all over the regions in India.
So that’s why I am writing this on the topic of my preparedness for heat wave. Because a lot of people in our country do not know how we protect ourself from this heat wave problem. Because of lack of information resources and awareness about this crucial situation.
My purpose for writing this article is to tell the people how they can fight and survive in this heat wave.
So let’s have a look :
1. I avoid going out in the sun especially between 12 noon to 3:00 p.m.
2. I get myself hydrated.
3. If I go outside for some important work at the time of heat wave, I always carry a water bottle, cap or a scarf to protect myself. I also use sunscreen on my body as protection from harmful UV rays.
4. I avoid to eat stale food.
5. In my family my mother gives me and all my family members hydrated drinks like laminate butter milk, mango drinks etc .
6. In these days I am wearing lightweight or light colour loose clothes.
7. Me and my all family members put a water pot for birds and animal outside the home.
8. My father set a water pot along with disposal cups outside the house for drinking purpose at free of cost to anyone who want water or feel thirsty. Because everyone wants keep hydrated in this heat wave.
9. When I receive any parcel or any order by a delivery man, I used to give cool water to him and also give an extra bottle of water to him.
10. Me and my family eats simple food which contains light spices. I like dal, rice, torai, bottlegourd etc. along with a bowl of curd at afternoon.
I hope everyone prepare very well and strongly because this heat wave is taking lives all over the India especially in North. So everyone wants to keep hydrated and I wish this article would be helpful to people to prepare against this situation. I think, if I could help a single person by my words, it means a lot for me.
(खुशी दिल्ली के आरपीवीवी सूरजमल विहार स्कूल में 12वीं कक्षा में पढ़ती हैं। हिन्दी और अंग्रेजी दोनों भाषाओं में लिख लेती हैं। उन्होंने वॉट्सएप सन्देश के जरिए यह पोस्ट #अपनीडिजिटलडायरी तक पहुँचाई है। वह डायरी की पाठकों में से एक हैं।)
खुशी के पिछले लेख
7- भगवान सबके पास नहीं हो सकते, इसलिए माँ बनाई, उसके लिए रोज 10 मिनट दीजिए
6 – No Smoking Day : Replace your cigarette with a glass of juice daily
5- इस मौसम में बारिश! हम प्रकृति का तारतम्य बिगाड़ क्यों रहे हैं?
4- घर में बच्चों को ‘लैंगिक समानता’ के बारे में भी बताएँ, ताकि वे आगे कोई भेद न करें
3- अपने शिक्षकों के लिए एक बच्ची की भावना : ज्ञान प्रकाशित कीजिए, आप समर्थ बलवान
2- कितना बेहतर हो, अगर हम लड़कियों को उनकी सुरक्षा करना भी सिखाएँ!
1. संस्कार हमारे जीवन में कैसे अच्छी या बुरी भूमिका निभाते हैं?
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