No Smoking Day : Replace your cigarette with a glass of juice daily

Khushi Arora, Delhi

“Cancer is no joke, So put down that smoke.”

My article starts with this slogan today, because second Wednesday of March is celebrated as #NoSmokingDay every year. And I am writing these words for spreading awareness on No Smoking.

No Smoking Day, the purpose of celebrating this day is to provide an opportunity to people about how smoking affects their health and to warn people about the danger of smoking. Nowadays we all can see the smoking is done by many people in our surroundings. And most of the smokers are teenagers, 18+. They always think of looking cool while smoking. But they don’t know the reality.

I think, people choose smoking also because it reduces anxiety, stress and provides one time relaxation to the body. But the other fact is that nicotine also destroys our body internally very fast. Not only this, smoking causes many diseases and infections too, like – respiratory infection, COPD cardiovascular disease (Heart related disease), blood clots, cancer etc. And it also harm our reproductive health. 

Hence, quitting smoking is the single best way to protect family members, friends and society from any of the health related issues. I know that it is difficult to stop smoking, but the report said that nicotine withdrawal symptoms usually peaks within the first 3 days of quitting. And last about 2 weeks. So, if one can take behavioral therapies and FDA approved medication, he/she be able to quit smoking smoothly.

At the end, I would like to say that if Himachal Pradesh becomes the first smoking free state in India, why do other states not? that’s why I would like to complete my article with a one more slogan, which is – ‘Replace your cigarette with a glass of juice daily’  I hope that it will somehow help to quit smoking  

Thank you for reading my article 🙏🙏 


(खुशी दिल्ली के आरपीवीवी सूरजमल विहार स्कूल में 11वीं कक्षा में पढ़ती हैं। उन्होंने ‘अपनीडायरीलिखिए’ सेक्शन में लिखकर यह पोस्ट #अपनीडिजिटलडायरी तक पहुँचाई है। वह डायरी की पाठकों में से एक हैं।)
खुशी के पिछले लेख

5- इस मौसम में बारिश! हम प्रकृति का तारतम्य बिगाड़ क्यों रहे हैं?
4- घर में बच्चों को ‘लैंगिक समानता’ के बारे में भी बताएँ, ताकि वे आगे कोई भेद न करें
3- अपने शिक्षकों के लिए एक बच्ची की भावना : ज्ञान प्रकाशित कीजिए, आप समर्थ बलवान
2- कितना बेहतर हो, अगर हम लड़कियों को उनकी सुरक्षा करना भी सिखाएँ!
1. संस्कार हमारे जीवन में कैसे अच्छी या बुरी भूमिका निभाते हैं?

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