Mohini Razak, New Delhi
When I see a child
I start to go wild
I remember my old days
When I was happy in many ways
Once my grandmother told
That you will remember these days when you will grow old
When I was small I want to grow old
But now I understand that the childhood was the real gold
When I was a child I was hype
But now I became another type
When I was child I lots of nonsense
And now It is very strange that I talk about the sense
Childhood was a treasure
And I lived it full is my pleasure
My favorite no. is seven
And my childhood was heaven
When I was small I love to wipe
And now I don’t really know type
When I was small I had a lot of friends
But when I grow up my circle ends
When I was small I have cartoon fever
Know I wonder if I watched them ever
When I was small I love potato fry
Now what I love is to wry
I don’t know what I gain
What I know is my pain
I want to live childhood again
I want to forgot my pain
And I want to travel again on train
I want to live again without brain…..
(Mohini is one of the readers of #ApniDigitalDiary. She is studying in 11th Standard in RPVV Surajmal Vihar School, New Delhi. She posted this poem on ApniDiaryLikhiye section, on the top of this website.)
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